Friday, February 1, 2013

A Latgale Winter: Warning for Fish Death

Latvia is cold.

I'm handling it much better than I thought I would, though. Part of me is proud of this. Part of me is terrified that I'm proud since I know that means the weather gods will be angered at my pride and February will bring a week or more of -30 C.

Last week, there was a Turkish teacher visiting Rezekne. I accompanied the group on a couple of rural school tours and on some winter activities.

One thing I love about Latvia is the diversity among the rural schools. Most of the schools have pretty well-developed arts programs, too. The students dance, sing, play instruments, and make crafts after school everyday. The communities seem to, in many ways, revolve around the schools.

Malta, one of the schools I visisted, has a great metal-working and jewelry making class. Here is the classroom:

I wish they sold their pieces! I took some photos in their small museum.

On Friday night, the group went to a Latgalian culture night at a local restaurant where we ate traditional Latgalian food and were entertained by a folk-dancing ensemble. We were the only group there and so I couldn't weasel my way out of dancing. (I don't think I'm good enough to make the cut to go to the Song and Dance Festival.)

On Saturday, we went out into nature to "enjoy" the snow. I'm not particularly fond of trudging through the snow, but it was surprisingly fun. First, we took in some motorcross.

Next, we went ice fishing. I discovered that I am just as impatient with ice fishing as I am with regular fishing. I didn't catch anything, but the others caught enough for our lunch.

These guys are probably better at fishing than I am.

This is our lunch. Poor fish. I really don't like meeting my lunch before it is on my plate.

And here I am pretending to fish catching all of the fish!

The fish was great. It was cooked outside over a fire. Simple and delicious.


While we waited for lunch to cook, we took a sleigh ride. 

After lunch, Alexanders went for a swim. I stayed inside and took this photo from the window since my feet were frozen despite my two pairs of socks. Next time I tramp through the snow, I'm wearing the handmade pair I bought at a fair.

This post is brought to you by Tegan and Sara "Closer." This video makes me want to do karaoke. And chop off all of my hair.

1 comment:

  1. This was an awesome post. Those craft work stations were very cool. It is also awesome that you went ice fishing!
